Shopping begins at the 2016 Spring Antiques Show in just a few days, so here are a few tips from Team Round Top Inn on how to get the best prices possible. Some of this wisdom is borrowed and some is hard-earned. All of it is now yours to use as you see fit. Happy haggling!
Tip #1: Buy it when you see it. Most dealers are paying attention and when they see you return to their booth they know it must be for something you really want.
#2: On the other hand, there’s no need to be too cool. Smile and show your love for what you’re buying. Most dealers are fond of the things they’ve collected and want them to find a good forever home.
#3. Dealers don’t mind frugal shoppers but they do mind a cheapskate. Be realistic with your offer. Up to 15% off is a reasonable request.
#4. Cash prices are almost always lower than card prices. And card swiping can be time consuming in Round Top’s bandwidth-challenged fields. Carry cash if you can.
#5. Ask for a deal with phrases like, “Can you do a little better? Is this the best price? Would you be willing to take x? May I make an offer?”
#6. If you’re interested in several items try asking for a package deal or ‘all in’ price.
And finally, the best tip of all.
#7: Make friends and build relationships. Dealers appreciate repeat customers and frequently reward them with their very best prices and the occasional cocktail.